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Curriculum Vitae


Basic Information

Name: Xin Liu

Email: liuxin10.03@nju.edu.cn

Affiliation: Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Nanjing University

Address: Xianlin Road 163, Qixia District, Nanjing 210023, Jiangsu Province, CN


Education/Academic Experience

2023.6-Now: Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Nanjing University

2019.10-2023.6: Research Fellow, Department of Philosophy, Nanjing University

2021.10-2022.1: Teaching assignment without payment (Lehrauftrag ohne Vergütung), online teaching, Institut für Philosophie, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn

2019. 4-7: Visiting Scholar, invited by Prof. Dr. Christoph Horn, Institut für Philosophie, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn

2016-2019: Research Fellow, School of Philosophy, Beijing Normal University

2009-2016: Doctor of Philosophy, Dissertation titled with Sein, Logos und Veränderung – Eine systematische Untersuchung zu Aristoteles’ Metaphysik (in German), Dissertation & PhD Thesis Defense noted with summa cum laude, First Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Anton Friedrich Koch, Second Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jens Halfwassen, Philosophisches Seminar, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

2007-2008: Academic Exchange, Institut für Philosophie & Institut für Klassische Philologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin & Freie Universität Berlin

2005-2009: Master of Philosophy, Thesis titled with The Analogy of Soul and City in Plato’s Republic (in Chinese), Supervisor: Prof. Jin Xiping, Department of Philosophy, Peking University

2001-2005: Bachelor of Literature, School of Journalism and Communication, Remin University of China


Research Field

Ancient Greek philosophy (Plato’s and Aristotle’s theoretical philosophy and metaphysics); Greek-Arabic-Latin tradition of translation and reception (Neoplatonism, Avicenna, and Thomas Aquinas); Heidegger’s early philosophy (especially his interpretation of Plato and Aristotle). Right now, I focus on the division and methods of division in Ancient Greek philosophy, with particular emphasis on Plato’s late dialogues and Aristotle’s biology as well as logics. I also draw attention to Avicenna’s physics and metaphysics.


Research Project

2021-2026. ‘Research on Division and Methods of Division in Ancient Greek Philosophy’, supported by National Social Science Foundation of China, General Program, Grant Number: 21BZX088, in progress.

2018-2024. ‘Aristotle’s Philosophy in light of Arabic Tradition of Interpretation and Reception’, supported by Humanity and Social Science Youth Foundation of Ministry of Education of China, Grant Number: 18YJC720012, completed.




2020. Sein, Logos und Veränderung – Eine systematische Untersuchung zu Aristoteles’ Metaphysik. Quellen und Studien zur Philosophie 139. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.


2021. Andreas Lammer, The Elements of Avicenna’s Physics: Greek Sources and Arabic Innovation. Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 103 (4): 761-764.

2021. Dag Nikolaus Hasse/Amos Bertolacci (Eds.), The Arabic, Hebrew and Latin Reception of Avicenna’s Physics and Cosmology. Gnomon: Kritische Zeitschrift für die gesamte klassische Altertumswissenschaft 93 (4): 309-313.


2024. “How Do the Eight Hypotheses in Plato’s Parmenides Come to Light? Chiasmus as a Method of Division.” Journal of Ancient Philosophy 18 (1): 37-66. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1981-9471.v18i1p37-66.

2024. On Proofs for the Existence of God: Aristotle, Avicenna, and Thomas Aquinas.” Special Issue Medieval Theology and Philosophy from a Cross-Cultural Perspective. Religions 15 (2): 1-22. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel15020235.

2021. “On Diairesis, Parallel Division, and Chiasmus: Plato’s and Aristotle’s Methods of Division.” Plato Journal 22: 27-52. https://doi.org/10.14195/2183-4105_22_3.

2021. “On Division and Definition: Aristotle’s Criticism of Dichotomy in Parts of Animals A2–3.” Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina 57: 179-213.

2021. “The Comparative Research of Aristotle’s and Avicenna’s Theory of Time.” Philosophical Researches 6: 84-94. In Chinese.

2020. “The Difficulties of and the Solution to Plato’s Early and Mid-term Theory of Idea in the First Part of the Parmenides.” Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture 551 (4): 163-180. In Chinese.

2016. “Aristotle’s Theory of Truth.” Philosophical Trends 10: 76-83. In Chinese.

2016. “Aristotle’s Investigation of Arche.” Xue Deng 1: 222-239. In Chinese.

2015. “Aristotle’s Doctrine of Analogy.” Tsinghua Studies in Western Philosophy 1: 400-431. In Chinese.


Teaching Activity

2024SS: From Philosophy to Theology: A Study of the Doctrine of Analogy in Plato, Aristotle, and Thomas Aquinas (seminar)

2022/2023WS: Plato’s Cratylus and Theaetetus (seminar)

Each Summer Semester Since 2022SS: Introduction to Chinese and Foreign Philosophical Classics (course of lecture)

2021/2022WS: Plato’s Theaetetus, International Seminar Bonn-Nanjing in English, working with Dr. Walter Denis, cooperated through Institut für Philosophie an der Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn and Department of Philosophy at the Nanjing University

2021/2022WS: Plato’s Sophist (seminar)

2021SS: Reason and Belief: Proofs and Criticisms of God’s Existence (pro-seminar)

2020/2021WS: History of the Western Philosophy: Ancient Greek Philosophy (course of lecture)

2020SS: Aristotle’s Categories (seminar)

2019/2020WS: History of the Western Philosophy: Ancient Greek Philosophy (course of lecture)

Each Semester Since 2019/2020WS: Introduction to Plato’s Republic (course of lecture)

2018/2019WS: Aristotle’s The Parts of Animals (seminar)

2017/2018WS: Aristotle’s Physics (seminar)

2018SS: Aristotle’s On Interpretation (reading group)

2016/2017WS-2017/2018WS: Aristotle’s Categories (reading group)

2016/2017WS-2017SS: Avicenna’s The Metaphysics of The Healing (reading group)


Academic Activity (selected)

2023.6.19-21 (online). I have attended the Seventeenth Annual Marquette Summer Seminar on Aristotle and the Aristotelian Tradition(s): Logos, Logic and Metaphysics, making a presentation entitled ‘A Historical Investigation on Classification of Quantity and Classification of Mathematics: Aristotle, Ammonius, and Avicenna

2023.5.20-21. As a special invited scholar of the year 2022, I have held a block seminar entitled ‘From Philosophy to Theology: Doctrines of Analogy proposed by Plato, Aristotle, and Thomas Aquinas’ (in Chinese), hosted by Prof. Thomas Qu in the Department of Philosophy at Tsinghua University.

2022.12.7 (online). I have attended the workshop ‘Transcendental from the Ancient and Modern Perspectives’, making a presentation entitled ‘What is Metaphysics? Topoi of Transcendentals in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy’, in Chinese.

2022.11.11-13 (online). I have attended the conference ‘Truth and Praxis: A Dialogue between Phenomenology and Ancient Philosophy II’, presenting the paper ‘Plato’s Doctrine of Truth revisited: From the Perspective of Heidegger’s Fundamental Ontology’, in Chinese.

2022. 7.18-22 (online). I have attended the Symposium Platonicum XIII: Plato’s Sophist, presenting the revised paper ‘Κοινωνία μεγίστων γενῶν: From the Exercise of One-Many in the Parmenides to the Exercise of Being-Nonbeing in the Sophist’.

2022. 1.8-9. I have attended the block seminar entitled ‘Medieval Thought from the Perspective of Modern Philosophy: Duns Scotus’, held by the Department of Philosophy at Tsinghua University. I have given a talk on ‘Duns Scotus’s Univocity’.

2021.6.20 (online). I have been invited to give a lecture at Huaqiao University, named ‘The Cosmological Proof and the Ontological Proof of God’s Existence’, in Chinese.

2021.5.14-16 (online). I have presented the paper ‘Κοινωνία μεγίστων γενῶν: From the Exercise of One-Many in the Parmenides to the Exercise of Being-Nonbeing in the Sophist’ at the West Coast Plato Workshop 2021 organized by George Rudebusch and hosted by Northern Arizona University.

2020.7.1 (online). I have presented the paper ‘On Diairesis and Chiasmus: Plato’s Methods of Division in the Statesman’ in the section on Plato’s Late Dialogues: Methodologies, organized by Edward Halper on behalf of the International Plato Society (IPS) in the American Philosophical Association (APA) Pacific Division Meeting 2020.

2019.7.15-20. I have attended the Symposium Platonicum XII: Plato’s Parmenides, presenting the paper ‘How do the Eight Hypotheses in the Parmenides come to light? Chiasmus as a Method of Division’.

2020.12.20 (online). I have been invited to give a lecture at Soochow University, named ‘Re-discussion of Aristotle’s Theory of Truth in light of Heidegger’s Phenomenology’, in Chinese.

2020.11.27-29. I have attended the conference ‘Time and Eternity: A Dialogue between Phenomenology and the Ancient Philosophy I’, presenting the paper ‘Quid est tempus? Time and Motion vs Time and Being: A Contest between Aristotle-Avicenna and Plato-Augustin’, in Chinese.

2020.6.8 (online). I have been invited to give a lecture at Jilin University, named ‘Two Approaches to God: Plato, Aristotle, and Thomas Aquinas’, in Chinese.

2019.11.13. I have been invited to give a lecture at Shanghai Jiaotong University, named ‘On Aristotle’s Multiples Senses of Being’.


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